made a 8-bit color sensor using rgb led and an LDR.
Diffrent devices are connected to the arduino.each arduino is communicating with the master arduino using NRF24l014
it measures the power utilied by any device by using an non-invasive current sensor, and uplaod the data to an online server.
As part of NU-RAP (NIIT University Research Assistance Program), worked on a research project to detect a moving object in a frame and track its motion. The concepts of Digital Image Processing were used. The project was implemented using OpenCV in Python. Successfully applied the algorithm to multiple video feeds.
A chrome extension that parse the excel file(xls.js) given by the user. This file is stored in chrome using chrome storage api and notification of the status is given. chrome strore.
this is webapp designed by using Processingjs, javascript, and the facebook javascript sdk. This project is live onlink.
A quadcopter with a flight control system consisting only of an Arduino Uno and MPU-6050. It is able to stabilize itself in windy conditions. Auto-level means that when you release the pitch and roll controls on your transmitter, the multicopter levels itself.